NWG Website

Special meeting membership discount: PAY ONE - GET TWO

The German Neuroscience Society offers a special membership discount for members who join the society during the Göttingen Meeting, i.e. until March 29, 2025. These new members pay for their membership in 2025 and keep their membership in 2026 free of charge, i. e. they pay for one year of membership but get two years. Only from the third year on , i.e. 2027, regular membership fee will be due again.

Members of the GNS work in neuroscience or related fields. They enjoy these benefits:

  • Free online access to Neuroforum, the Journal of the GNS
  • Free online access to EJN Online, the European Journal of Neuroscience
  • Reduced registration fee for participation in the Göttingen Meeting and the FENS Forum
  • Eligibility for abstract slots at the Society for Neuroscience annual meetings (in combination with a reduced participation fee)
  • Eligibility for travel grants to participate in the Göttingen Meeting, in the FENS Forum and in other GNS events
  • Regular electronic newsletter announcing job offers, awards, grants, etc.
  • Possibility to post an employment vacancy notice in the members’ section
  • automatically FENS member with all benefits
  • Participation in methodological GNS courses free of charge or at a reduced fee

Membership dues amount to 100€ for senior members and 80€ for postdocs. A reduced fee of 40€ is available for students, unemployed, retired, or scientists on parental leave.

The membership application form must be supported with the signatures of two GNS members and sent to the GNS office, preferably by email (korthals@mdc-berlin.de).


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